Grooming salon

In our grooming salon we only focus on taking care of the Lagotto Romagnolo. All dogs are trimmed by a groomer with over 15 years of experience in the breed.

Unfortunately, we currently have no room for new customers.

Prices as of February 1, 2023

Puppy trim (up to 6 months of age) €66,=
Shaving model (every 8 to 12 weeks) €88,=
Trim (every 4 to 5 weeks) €110,=
Cut nails without trim treatment €15,=
* For dogs with difficult behavior (biting etc), fleas / lice / etc and / or a severely felted or which pollute the space by defecating or urinating fur we charge a surcharge. €25.00

How we work
An appointment takes an average of 2 hours. During the appointment, the coat is shaved or cut. The nails are shortened if the dog allows this. Ears assessed and cared for where possible. Of course, the dog is also washed and dried.

Cut models only if the dog comes every 4 to 6 weeks.
Shave models every 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the rate at which the hair grows and eventually becomes matted.

Seriously felted?
Dogs with a lot of tangles will be shaved without consultation. If dogs are seriously tangled, there is no other solution than shaving completely with 3 mm, detangling a completely matted coat is very painful for the dog and for that reason we will not carry it out. Of course, after a shave, with proper maintenance, the coat can be kept longer next time.

The dog in the grooming salon
Some dogs don't like being trimmed. This does not always have to do with habituation, but can also be in the nature of the dog. We advise to have the dog shaved short and to cut the head. Often a somewhat less stressful treatment for the dog in which the hair on the head is preserved (if the dog allows this).

In between trims, it is important to regularly trim the length of the nails, the hair around the anus and genitals. The hairs that limit the dog's vision should also be trimmed regularly so that the dog can see.

Make an appointment?
Appointments can be scheduled by email or whatsapp [0618515821] on Wednesday or Friday. Usually this means that your dog comes to us at 9:00 am and can be picked up again at 11:00 am. Or that your dog comes to us at 1 p.m. and can be picked up again at 3 p.m.

Prepare your dog well for grooming. Practice washing and the water blower regularly with your dog, this will make visiting the groomer a lot easier for your dog.

It's with us unfortunately not  possible for you as the owner to be present during the treatment. After the trim appointment you will receive an invoice and payment link that we ask to pay the same day.